
Jumat, 22 Agustus 2014

Dicari : Buku mengenai Economic Value Added

Pengarang: Amin Widjaja Tunggal
Judul : EVA teori dan kasus
Tahun terbit : 2008 atau 2008 ke atas
Penerbit : Harvarindo

Judul : Economic Value added. Drivers and leverages
penulis : Didrian El Amine
ISBN : 3656405069, 9783656405061
Tebal : 28 hal
penerbit : GRIN Verlag, 2013

Judul : Pengantar Konsep EVA dan VBM
pengarang : Amin Widjaja Tunggal
Penerbit : Harvarindo, 2008

Dicari kondisi baru ataupun bekas daerah jakarta bogor..

Minggu, 06 Juli 2014

Review MV K.Will- Day 1

Selamat siang readers :)
Udah bulan juli nih ya, bulannya para muslim menjalankan ibadah puasa ramadhan, bulannya ngurusin judul seminar, bulannya input nilai laboratorium, dan bulannya UAS di kampus tercinta :D..
Selain itu akhir juni lalu K.will merilis MV terbarunya yang berjudul Day 1.

Seneng banget deh ya sebagai penikmat suara dan MV milik K.will, udah lama banget gue nungguin MV apa lagi yang akan bikin gue terpesona setelah Present, I Need You, Please Don't, dan terakhir tahun lalu You Don't Know Lovenya bikin gue tersihir berbulan-bulan #Lebay.

Oh iya, gue bukan orang yang suka mereview, bukan orang yang pintar berkata-kata atau berkomentar juga, ini semua sih sebenernya curahan hati gue aja haha Langsung aja deh yaa..
This is it..

 K.will - Day 1
Dibintangi oleh: Park Min Woo dan Soyu (SISTAR)

Ceritanya dimulai dengan menampilkan K.will yang sepertinya berperan sebagai penyiar radio, dimana Min Woo (seorang mahasiswa) menceritakan tentang gadis yang disukainya sejak SMA..
Dimulai ketika di Sekolah, Min Woo selalu memperhatikan sang gadis yang disukainya dan mencoba mencari perhatian dari gadis itu, namun selalu salah sasaran seperti ketika mencoba mengambilkan buku di tempat yang tinggi tapi justru buku tersebut menjatuhi kepala mereka, dan ketika Min Woo mencoba melambai-lambaikan tangan kepada Soyu, justru teman lelakinya yang membalas.

Alur ceritanya campuran maju mundur, cara membedakannya adalah ketika Min Woo berkacamata dan Soyu berambut lebih panjang itu adalah masa SMA mereka. dan Ketika Min Woo tak berkacamata, mendengarkan radionya, serta Soyu yang rambutnya lebih pendek itu adalah masa sekarang saat mereka menjadi mahasiswa.

Jadi ternyata Min Woo itu meminta bantuan K.will untuk memberikan tips-tips agar dia bisa menyatakan perasaannya dan mendapatkan hatinya Soyu. Hal itu dapat dilihat di adegan dimana K.will memberi arahan bagaimana caranya menyulap kembang api menjadi bunga mawar, Min Woo mencoba memasak, walaupun awalnya dia gagal tapi pada suatu hari Min Woo memberanikan diri untuk menghampiri Soyu dan memperlihatkan trik sulap romantisnya itu, dan berhasil..

Lalu di hari yang sama (terlihat baju mereka tidak berubah) mereka berkencan dan menonton film, disini Min Woo terlihat sangat gugup untuk melakukan tindakan-tindakan seperti memegang tangan dan mencium Soyu. Musik berhenti ketika Min Woo mencoba mencium Soyu dimana Soyu ternyata menoleh ke arahnya. Lalu diperlihatkanlah flashback yang memperlihatkan bahwa Soyu selama ini telah memperhatikan Min Woo, jadi selama ini sebenarnya Min Woo sudah berhasil mencuri perhatian Soyu..
Merekapun berciuman.. Nah jadi itulah hari pertama alias Day 1 dimana Min Woo dengan berani mengungkapkan perasaannya dan merekapun berkencan..
Scene2 selanjutnya diperlihatkan kemesraan mereka berdua..

Jadi itulah inti cerita yang berdasarkan pendapat gue sebagai penonton.. Ceritanya sih biasa aja ya, jadi inget Film Thailand yang Crazy little thing called love deh hehe walau ga sama percis tapi ya intinya lumayan sama cerita orang yang mnganggap dirinya jelek (Dari kutipan lagu dimana menyebutkan "Dari semua lelaki yg jelek, Aku pikir aku yang terbaik") yang menyukai wanita cantik yang sepertinya berbakat..

Apa yang gue suka?
1. Park Min Woo
Asli dia itu lucu cute banget, lesung pipitnya itu loh yang gak nahan.. gue rasa bakal banyak cewe yang ga kuat ngeliat ekspresi2 lucunya di MV ini.. Jadi dia di MV ini bener-bener kayak orang lagi jatuh cinta, anjingnya diajak ngomong dicurhatin, nyanyi2 sambil senyum-senyum ga jelas, selca2 ga jelas hahaha Gue rasa gue jatuh cinta sama senyumannya itu..

2. Soyu
Soyu itu udah terkenal ya suaranya bagus, menurut gue awalnya dia ga cantik-cantik amat ya kalo dibandingin dasom sama bora, tapi ternyata waktu scene masa SMA dia tuh cantiiiik banget, jauh kelihatan lebih muda mungkin 3-4 tahun.. entah itu gimana caranya tapi aduh cantik deh, awal2 aja gue ga begitu sadar kalo itu soyu -.-..
So, Dasom udah 2x, Bora udah, dan sekarang Soyu juga udah, apa mungkin next MV dibintangin sama Hyorin? ckck

3. Lirik dan musiknya..
Ngedengerin lagu ini ga tau kenapa walau awalnya belum tau artinya tetep aja bikin happy, seakan-akan gue yang lagi jatuh cinta, dan pas liat translate lirik inggrisnya gue semakin suka sama lagu ini.. lirik sama MVnya terutama penghayatan Min Woo itu cocok Banget :)

Oke segitu aja yaa pendapat gue.. papay :)

Jumat, 13 Juni 2014



IFRS 10, Consolidated Financial Statements, requires that an entity that is a parent must present consolidated financial statements that include all subsidiaries of the parent.  Only two exceptions to this rule are presently available. Firstly, a parent need not present consolidated financial statement if all the following criteria are met:
·         The parent itself is a wholly-owned subsidiary or it’s a partialy-owned subsidiary of another entity and all of its owner, including those not normally entitled to vote, have been informed about, and don’t object to, the parent not presenting consolidated financial statements;
·         Its debt and equity  instruments are not traded in a public market,
·         It didn’t file, nor is it in the process of filling, its financial statements with a securities  exchange commissions or other regulatory organization for the purpose of issuing any class of its instruments in a public market,
·         Its ultimate or intermediate parent produces consolidated financial statements that are available for public use and comply with IFRS.
Secondly, postemployment benefit plans or other long-term employee benefits plans to which IAS 19, Employee Benefits, aplly are also excluded from the scope of IFRS 10.
Power. Power arises from rights, and could arise in any of the following circumstances: (1) and investor may have the majority of voting rights: (2) an investor may have less than 50% of the voting rights, and (3) other arrangements. The lower on moves down this hierarchy, the more complex the assessment becomes.
Exposure, or rights, to variable returns from an investee. An investor is exposed, or has right to, variable returns when the investor’s returns from the involvement have the potential to vary as a result of the investor’s performance, wheter negative or positive.
Link between power and returns. The test or link of control is when the investor has the ability to use the power to affect the investor’s returns through its involvement, Therefore it is important to determine whether the investor is actin as an agent or the principal.
Majority of voting rights. Control is presumed if the majority of voting rights is held, unless other factors indicates that the majority of voting rights normally result in control.
Less than a majority of voting rights. Control could exist when a party has less than a majority of voting rights. The following are examples of instances where control could exist even though less than a majority of voting rights is held:
·         A contractual arrangement between the investor and other parties that provide the investor with a right to direct the relevant activities.
·         Right arising from the other contractual arrangements.
·         The extent of the investor’s voting rights.
·         The investor may hold potential voting rights that are substantive.
Other arrangements. Control can also exist through other contractual arrangements. This would usually be the case  with structured entities. A structured entities is an entity that has been designed so that voting or similar rights aren’t the dominant factor in deciding who controls the entity.
Consolidation Procedures
Consolidated financial statements are prepared using uniform accounting policies for like transactions and other events in similar circumstances.
In preparing consolidated financial statements an entity combines the item presented in the financial statements line by line, adding together like items of assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses. In order to present financial information about the group as that of a single economic entity, the following procedures are followed:
·         Like items of assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows of the parent are combine with those of the subsidiary.
·         The carrying amount of the parent’s investment in each subsidiary is eliminated against the parent’s portion of equity of each subsidiary.
·         Intragroup assets, and liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows relating to transaction of the entities in the group are eliminated.
Intercompany transactions and balances. In preparing consolidated financial statements, any transactions among member of the group must be eliminated. The reason for this requirement is to avoid grossing up the financial statements for transactions or balances that don’t represent economic events with outside parties.
Income and expenses. Income and expenses of the subsidiary are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date control is obtained until the date when control is lost. The income and expenses are based on amounts of assets and liabilities recognized at the acquisition date.
Potential voting rights. When voting rights exist, the portion of profit and loss and changes in equity allocated to the parent and noncontrolling interest in the consolidated financial statements are based solely on the existing ownership interest and don’t reflect the potential changes in ownership.
Noncontrolling interest. In the consolidated statement of financial position noncontrolling interest is presented within equity, separately from the equity of the owners of the parents.
Changes in ownership interest resulting in loss of control. Control of a subsidiary can be lost as a result of a parent’s decision to sell its shares in the subsidiary to a third party or as a result of a subsidiary selling its shares in the marketplace.
A joint arrangements is defined as an arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control. Spesifically, a joint arrangement has two or more parties have joint control. Specifically, a joint arrangement has two characteristics: (1) the parties must be bound by contractual arrangement, and (2) the contractual arrangement must give two or more of the parties joint control over the arrangement. Therefore not all parties need to have joint control.
Joint control is defined as the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exist only when decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.
Types of Joint Arrangements
Right Obligations
Joint Operation
Rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement.
Joint Venture
Rights to the net assets of the arrangements.

Accounting for Joint Operations
A joint operation will account for the following:
·         Its assets, including its share of any assets held jointly
·         Its liabilities, including it share of any liabilities incurred jointly
·         Its revenue from the sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation
·         Its share of the revenue from the sale of the output by the joint operation
·         Its expenses, including its share of any expense incurred jointly.
Accounting for Joint Ventures
A joint venture recognize its interest In a joint venture as an investment by applying the equity method of the accounting as describe in IAS 28.
Separate Financial Statements
The accounting for a joint operation in the consolidated and separate financial statements is the same. A party that participates in a joint operation that does not have joint control must also apply the same principles as discussed above to account for its interest. Equity accounting is only applied in the consolidated financial statements of the joint venture. In the separate financial statements IAS 27, is applied.
Identification of an Associate
An associate is an entity over which an investor has significant influence. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decision of the investee but is not control or joint control of those policies.
Accounting for an Associate
An entity recognize its interest in a associate by applying the equity method of IAS 28, Investment in Associates and Joint Ventures, except if an axception is applicable.
Scope and Application
      The equity method of accounting is applied to investments in associates and joint ventures. The cost method for accounting for associates would simply not reflect the economic reality of the investor’s interest in an entity whose operations were indicative, in part at least, of the reporting entity’s management decision and operational skills.
The Equity Method
Basic principles. The equity method permits an entity controlling a certain share of the voting interest in another entity to incorporate its pro rata share of the investee’s operating result into its profit or loss.
Intercompany transaction between investor and investee. Transaction between the investor and investee may require that the investor make certain adjustments when it records its share of the investee earnings. In preparing consolidated financial statements, all intercompany transaction are eliminated. However, when the equity method is used to account for investment, only the profit component of intercompany transactions is eliminated.
Contribution of nonmonetary asets. If an investee makes a contribution of a nonmonetary asset to an associate or joint venture in exchange for an equity interest, the fair value of the asset is in principle capitalized as part of the investment.However, fair value gains or losses are only recognize by the investor to the extent of the unrelated investor’s interest in the associate or joint venture.
Accounting for changes in Ownership Interest
Loss of significant influence. Significant influence is lost when an investee losses the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee.
Discontinuing the equity method. The equity method is discontinued from the date when the investment ceases to be an associate or joint venture. When the equity method is discontinued, any equity share of the associate or joint venture recognized in other comprehensive income must be removed by regarding this as a part of the sale of the transaction, the effect is that the gain and loss previously recognized in other comprehensive income is reclassified to profit or loss.

IFRS 3(R) and IAS 27(R) and International Accounting Convergence
      In January 2008, the IASB issued a revised version of IFRS 3, Business Combinations, which in this publication is being referred to as IFRS 3(R), as well as an amended version of IAS 27, Consolidated an Separate Financial Statements, which is being referred to as IAS 27(R).
Effective Date and Transition Provisions
      IFRS 3(R) and IAS 27(R) came into effect for the first annual reporting period beginning on after July 1, 2009. Early application was permitted, although the new pronouncements couldn’t be applied to periods beginning prior to June 30, 2007.
      The overriding objective of the new standards is to improve the relevance, representational faithfulness, transparency, and comparability of information provided in financial statements about business combinationsand their effect on the reporting entity by establishing principles and requirements with respect to how an acquirer, in its consolidated financial statements.
      The revised standards IFRS 3(R ) replaces the cost principle of accounting for the business combinations with the fair value principle. Under the cost principle, which was apllied under IFRS 3, the exchange transaction was tobe recorded as cost. That cost was tobe allocated to the assets acquiredand liabilities assumed, and goodwill was to be recognized for the difference between the cost and the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired.
Determining Fair Values
      Accounting for acquisitions requires a determinationof the fair value for each of the acquired entity’s identifiable tangible and intangible asets and for each of its liabilities at the date of combination.
Transactions and Events Accounted for as Business Combinations
      A business combination result from the occurrence of a transaction or other event that results in an acquirer obtaining control of one or more business. This can occur in many different ways that include the following examples individually or in some cases, in combinations:
·         Transfer of cash, cash equivalents, or other assets, including the transfer of assets of another business of the acquirer
·         Incurring liabilities
·         Issuance of the equity instruments
·         Providing more than one type of consideration, or
·         By contract alone without the transfer of consideration.
Techniques for Structuring Business Combintions
      A business combination can be structured in a number of different ways that satisfy the acquirer’s strategic, operational, legal, tax, and risk management objectives.
Accounting for Business Combination Under theAacquisition Method
      The acquirer is to account for a business combination using the acquisition method. This term repreents an expansion of the now-outdate term, “purchase method”. The following steps are required to apply the acquisition method:
1.      Identify the acquirer
2.      Determine the acquisition date
3.      Identify the assets and liabilities, if any, requiring separate accounting because they result from transactions that aren’t part of the business combination, and account for them in accordance with their nature and the applicable IFRS.
4.      Identify assets and liabilities that require acquisition date classification or designation decisions to facilitate application of IFRS in postcombination financial statements and make those classification or designations based on
a.      Contractual terms;
b.      Economic conditions
c.       Acquirer operating or accounting policies;
d.      Other pertinent conditions existing at the acquisition date.
5.      Recognize and measure the identifiable tangible and intangible assets acquired and liabilities assumed.
6.      Recognize and measure any noncontrolling interest in the acquire.
7.      Measure the consideration transferred
8.      Recognize and measure goodwill or, if the business combination result in bargain purchase, recognize a gain from the bargain purchase.
      Step 1- Identify the acquirer. The provisions of IAS 27(R ), Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements, should be used to identify the acquirer-the entity that obtains control of the acquiree. If applying the guidance in IAS 27(R ) doesn’t clearly indicate the party that is the acquirer, IFRS (3) provides factors to consider in making that determination under different fact and circumstances.
      Step 2- Determine the acquisition date. The general rulenis that the acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer legally transfers consideration, acquires the assets, and assume the liabilities of the acquire. This date, in a relatively straightforward transaction is referred to as the closing date. Not all transactions are that straightforward, however.
      Step 3- Recognize and measure the identifiable tangible and intangible assets acquired and liabilities assumed. IFRS 3 (R) provides the acquirer with choice of two methods to measure noncontrolling interest arising in a business combination:
1.      To measure the noncontrolling interest at a fair value, or
2.      To measure the noncontrolling interest at the noncontrolling interest’s share of the acquire;s net assets.
      Step 4- Identify assets and liabilities requiring separate accounting. IFRS 3(R ) provides a basic recognition principle that, as of the acquirer is to recognize, separately from goodwill, the fair values of all identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities assumed, and if applicable, any noncontrolling interest in the acquire.
      Step 5- Classify or designate identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed. In order to facilitate the combine entity’s future application of IFRS in its postcombination financial statements, management is required to make decisions on the acquisition date relative to the classification or designation of certain items.
      Step 6- Recognize and measure any noncontrolling interest in the acquire. IFRS 3 (R ) provides the acquirer with a choice of two method to measure noncontrolling interest at the acquisition daate arising in a business combination:
1.      To measure the noncontrolling interest at fair value or
2.      To measure the noncontrolling interest at the present ownership instruments share the recognize amounts of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets.
      Step 7- Measure the consideration transferred. In general, consideration transferred by the acquire is measured at its acquisition-date fair value. Examples of consideration that could be transferred include cash, other assets, a business, a subsidiary of the acquirer, contingent consideration, ordinary or preference equityninstruments, options, warrants, and member interest of mutual entities.
      Step 8- Recognize and measure goodwill or gain from a bargain purchase. Goodwil represent an intangible that isn’t spesifically identifiable. It result from situation when the amount the acquirer is willing to pay to obtain its controlling interest exceeds the aggregate recognize values of the net asset acquired measured following the pronciples of IFRS3(R ).
GW (or GBP)   = (CT+NI+PE)-NA
GW                              = Goodwill
GBP                 = Gain from a bargain purchase
NI                     = Noncontrolling interest in the acquire
CT                    = Consideration transferred, generally measured at acquisition-date fair value
PE                    = Fair value of the acquirer’s previously held interest in the acquire if the acquisition was
                           achieved in stages
NA                   = Net Assets acquired.
      Bargain purchase. A bargain purchase occurs when the value of net assets acquire is in excess of the acquisition date fair value of the consideration transferred plus the amount of any noncontrolling interest and plus fair value of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest.
      Acquisition-related cost. Cost incurred by an acquirer to enter into a business combination.
Goodwill and Gain from Bargain Purchase.
      Goodwill. Goodwill represents the difference between the acquisition date fair value of the consideration transferred plus the amount of any noncontrolling interest in the acquire plus the acquisition date fair value of the acquiree’s previously held equity interest in the acquire.
      Gain from a bargain purchase. In certain business combination, the consideration transferred is less than the fair valueof net assets required.

      Transactions between entities that are considered related parties, as defined by IAS 24, Related-Party Disclosures, must be adequately disclosed in financial statements of the reporting entity. Such disclosures have long been a common feature of financial reporting, and most national accounting standard-setting bodies have imposed similar mandates.
A related party is a person or entity that is related to the entity that is preparing its financial statements (in this Standard referred to as the ‘reporting entity’).
A person or a close member of that person’s family is related to a reporting entity if that person:
1.      has control or joint control over the reporting entity;
2.      has significant influence over the reporting entity; or
3.      is a member of the key management personnel of the reporting entity or of a parent of the reporting entity.
An entity is related to a reporting entity if any of the following conditions applies:
1.      The entity and the reporting entity are members of the same group (which means that each parent, subsidiary and fellow subsidiary is related to the others).
2.      One entity is an associate or joint venture of the other entity (or an associate or joint venture of a member of a group of which the other entity is a member).
3.      Both entities are joint ventures of the same third party.
4.      One entity is a joint venture of a third entity and the other entity is an associate of the third entity.
5.      The entity is a post-employment benefit plan for the benefit of employees of either the reporting entity or an entity related to the reporting entity. If the reporting entity is itself such a plan, the sponsoring employers are also related to the reporting entity.
6.      The entity is controlled or jointly controlled by a person identified above
7.      A person identified in 1. Above has significant influence over the entity or is a member of the key management personnel of the entity (or of a parent of the entity)

Scope of the Standard
        IAS 24 is to be applied applied in dealing with related parties and transactions between a reporting entity and its related partie. The requirements of this standard apply to the financial statements of each reporting entity.
        The requirements of the standard should be applied to related parties as identified in the definition of a related party.

Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

Pacar: Si menyebalkan dari Lenteng Agung :D

Hei Blogger J
Jadi tadi tuh ceritanya yah lagi chat sama pacar, gue bilang gue lagi ngeblogging eh dengan pedenya dia bilang kalo gue lagi curhat tentang dia hahaha
Munculah ide buat nulis tentang doi disini, yah biar dia seneng lah gue tulis namanya disini.. Kali aja abis dia baca dia seneng terus gue dibawain bunga gitu, atau es krim gitu, atau coklat wkwkwk :P

Mau mulai dari mana yaahhh? (Dari nol ya) hahaha

So, this is my boyfriend

Okeeh namanya tuh Mohammad Aldi, si menyebalkan yang asalnya dari betawi..
Gue udah pernah cerita ya beberapa hari  yang lalu gimana caranya kita bisa sampe jadian hahaha
Dia itu temen sekelas gue, biasanya sih dipanggilnya Aldi.. Kalo malem ketemu om-om jadi Aldina :P

Secara fisik, pacar gue yang lahir 29 agustus 1993 ini yah bisa dibilang manis (Uhuk).. Gak ganteng sih, ganteng mah relative ya..

Kulitnya gak putih, alias item.. Badannya gak pendek, alias tinggi.. Kerempeng mah engga, makin kesini dia makin berisi (Iyalah gue ajak jajan mulu) haha..
Rambutnya jabrik yaa, dia lebih pantes rambut jabrik gitu dari pada rambutnya cepak.. (Kesampean kan gue punya pacar rambut jabrik) wkwkwk.. Alisnya tebel, gue suka hehe.. Hidungnya luas banget melebar kayak lapangan :P makanya suka gue panggil jebag (bahasa sunda= Besar, maksudnya hidung besar)  haha..  Wajahnyaaaaa, yah seperti ABG2 pada umumnya ya full of acne yang gue bingung gimana tuh cara ngusir acnenya -____-..

Dia itu orangnya iseng, kalo orang yg gak deket sama dia pasti bilangnya dia pendiem.. Tapi kalo udah deket atau kenal lama, dia tuh iseng banget ngeledekin..  Udah gitu ya candaan banyolannya tuh aduh gila kalo gue gak kuat mungkin gue udah nyerah.. Kadang lucu ampe gue sakit perut, kadang miris banget bikin hati sakit sesakit-sakitnya..
Dia itu gak romantis, paling enggak romantis hahaha tapi kadang-kadang kalo sekalinya dia berulah sok-sok’an ngeromantisin gue dia tuh bisa bikin gue meleleh #pret.. haha

Kebiasaan dia yang gue gak suka, yang paling tama yaitu ngaret.. Kalo janjian sama dia, Cuma bisa diitung pake jari kapan dia yang nungguin gue alias tepat waktu.. Padahal tuh dia pake jam, tapi gak guna kayaknya.. Oke gue pahamin dia tuh naik kereta, jd seadanya keretanya jam berpa, tapi kalo dipikir-pikir kalo dianya rajin mah kalo biasa keretanya ngaret harusnya dia siap lebih pagi lagi dong ya -__-
Terus dia itu GAK PEKAAN.. Masa harus gue marah2 dulu baru deh dia ngerti dimana yang salah..
Gue jadi ngerasa, kayaknya perasaan gue, apa yang gue rasain tuh ga penting buat dia ZzzZzz
Ada lagi.. Dia itu lambat alias gak gesit.. Kayaknya hidupnya tuh gak ada tujuan, gak ada gairah, gak ada semangat –“

Tapi ya untungnya dia itu  super duper pengertian sama sabar orangnya.. Dewasa banget kalo berpikir kalo ada masalah ckck.. Nyaman banget kalo udah ngobrol hal yang serius sama dia..
Namanya juga manusia ya pasti ada kelebihan sama kekurangan, Cuma kalo dia ga pernah ngasih tau apa kuragnya gue, dimana salahnya gue, kadang gue ngerasa gak guna -_- hemm..
Pokoknya mah ya You are the best Aldi!  Semoga kita bisa awet ya, sampe nanti.. amiin
Hari ini segini dulu yah tentang Aldi.. Banyak sih sebenernya cerita, tapi gue lebih suka cuma gue sama dia aja yang tahu dan saling berbagi haha

Ditulis dengan kasih,

Pacar Aldi :D